Programm 2018:
11. Dezember, Barbara
Osimani (Polytechnic University of the Marche via Tronto)
E-Synthesis: A System for evidence amalgamation in pharmacovigilance
6. Dezember, Marianne Huebner (Michigan State University)
A systematic approach to initial data analysis
3. Dezember, Rino Bellocco (University of Milano-Bicocca and Karolinska Institutet)
Directed Acyclic Graphs: A Useful Modern Tool in Epidemiology (SLIDES)
8. Oktober, Jack Bowden (University of Bristol)
Recent Advances in Two-Sample Summary Data Mendelian Randomization (SLIDES)
5. Juli, Arsenio Nhacolo (University of Bremen)
Bias and Precision in Early Phase Adaptive Studies and its Consequences for the Decisions About Conducting and Designing Confirmatory Studies
18. Juni, Peter Filzmoser (CSTAT, TU Wien)
Robust Linear and Logistic Regression in High Dimension (SLIDES)
14. Mai, Peter Steiner (University of Wisconsin)
The Mechanics of Omitted Variable Bias: Bias Amplification and Cancellation of Offsetting Biases
8. Mai, Dominic Edelmann (DKFZ, Heidelberg)
The Distance Correlation-Coefficient for Right-censored Survival Data
19. April, Peter Klimek (Meduni Wien)
A Network Medicine Approach to Understand and Predict Complex Disease Phenotypes
18. April, Alexander Ploner (Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm)
Register Research in the Molecular Age: Studies on Cervical Carcinoma in Sweden
16. April, Els Genbrugge (EORTC, Brüssel)
Bayesian Adaptive Randomization
09. April, Werner Müller (Universität Linz)
A Design Criterion for Symmetric Model Discrimination Based on Nominal Confidence Sets (SLIDES)
22. März, Daria Kim (Max-Planck Institut, München)
Access to Clinical Trial Data: Is the Paradigm Shifting?
19. März, Georg Langs (Meduni Wien)
Identifying and Using Structure in Large-sclae Routine Medical Imaging Data
15. März, Yuxi Tian (University of California)
Comparative Safety and Effectiveness of Osteoporosis Drugs: A
Multi-Center Observational Cohort Study Conducted Through
the OHDSI Network
12. März, Hans-Peter Piepho (Gastprof. BOKU)
Arm-based Network Meta-analysis (SLIDES)
22. Februar, Gerhard Svolba (SAS Österreich)
Vortrag1 - Data Science in Action – 10 Dinge, die Advanced Analytics in Data Science für Ihr Unternehmen tun kann (SLIDES)
Vortrag 2 – Aktuelle Anforderungen an eine analytische Plattform
- Offenheit bzgl. der Benutzerschnittstellen und methodische
Vielfalt (SLIDES)
Programm 2017:
30. November, Valentin Rousson (University Hospital Lausanne)
An Introduction to Mendelian Randomization (SLIDES)
16. November, Matthias Brückner (Lancaster University)
Instrumental Variable Estimation in Semi-parametric Additive Hazard Models
16. Oktober, Aliaksandr Hubin (University of Oslo)
Deep Non-linear Regression Models in a Bayesian Framework
28. September, Andrew Vickers (Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center)
How Do we Know Whether a Predictive Model is of Clinical Value? How Do
we Know Whether a Molecular Marker is Worth Measuring? A Discussion of
Some Simple Decision Analytical Methods
7. September, Chris Jennison (University of Bath)
Data Combination in Seamless Phase II/III Clinical Trial Designs (SLIDES)
22. Mai, Sarah Zohar (INSERM, Paris)
Bayesian Treatment Comparison Using Parametric Mixture Priors Computed from Elicited Histograms
20. April, Marius Thomas (Novartis)
Exploratory Subgroup Analyses in Clinical Trials
20. März, R.A. Bailey (University of St. Andrews)
Hasse Diagrams as an Aid to Understanding a Family of Models in Experiments on Biodiversity
13. März, Rok Blagus (University of Ljubljana)
Cumulative Sum Processes for Goodness-of-Fit Testing
21. Februar, Ioannis Kosmidis (University College London)
Reduced‐Bias Inference for Regression Models with Tractable and Intractable Likelihoods
20. Februar, Mathias Schmid (Rheinische Friedrich‐Wilhelms‐Universität Bonn)
Modeling Discrete Time-to-Event Data
14. Februar, Thomas Jaki (Lancaster University)
Multi-Objective Dose-Finding
26. Jänner, Karel G.M. Moons, Geert-Jan Geersing (UMC Utrecht)
Clinical Prediction Models: Don't Develop Them!
Managing Venous Thrombosis in Primary Care Medicine (SLIDES_Moons) (SLIDES_Geersing)
17. Jänner, Efstathia Bura (Washington DC)
Sufficient Reductions in Regression and Classification (SLIDES)
12. Jänner, Helene Jacqmin-Gadda (INSERM, France)
Target Estimands in a Longitudinal Study with Follow-up Truncated by Death and Dropout
9. Jänner, Ludwig A. Hothorn (Leibniz Universität Hannover)
Ein universeller Trendtest? Welche Kriterien sollte ein universeller Trendtest erfüllen? (SLIDES)
16. Dezember, Stefan Michiels (Université Paris-Saclay)
Calculating Expected Survival from High-Dimensional Cox Models with
Treatment-by-Marker Interactions in Randomized Clinical Trials
18. November, Tim Friede (University Medical Center Göttingen)
Some Statistical Aspects of Clinical Trials for Personalized Medicine
14. November, Silke Jörgens (ICON, Köln)
Confirmatory Adaptive Group Sequential Trials: Treatment Arm and Subpopulation Selection Based on Surrogate Endpoints (SLIDES)
10. Oktober, Eva Schernhammer (Med. Universität Wien)
Angewandte Epidemiologie in der Prävention von Chronischen Erkrankungen: die Nurses’ Health Studie
22. September, Malgorzata Bogdan (University of Wroclaw)
Identifying Genetic Factors Influencing Important Patient Characteristics
1. August, Mariana Nold (Universitätsklinikum Jena)
A Comparison of Two Approaches for Meta-Analysis of Individual Patient Data
19. Juli, Livio Finos (University of Padua)
A Graphical Approach to Resampling Based Multiple Testing Procedures
20. Mai, Lisa Hampson (Lancaster University)
Optimal Group Sequential Tests for Delayed Responses with Non-Binding Futilitiy Boundaries
20. Mai, Ekkehard Glimm (Novartis)
Some Updates on Weighted Parametric Tests
19. Mai, Daniel Commenges (University of Bordeaux)
The Stochastic System Approach to Causality
14. April, WBS Festsymposium
25 Jahre Klinische Biometrie
4. April, Tyler VanderWeele (Havard School of Public Health)
Workshop with Tyler VanderWeele:
Lecture "A unification of mediation and interaction: a four-way decomposition" and Q&A session
21. März, Aliaksandr Hubin (University of Oslo)
Variable selection in logistic regression with a latent Gaussian
field models with an application in epigenomics
18. März, Geert Verbeke and Geert Molenberghs (KU Leuven, Hasselt University)
Diagnostics for mixed models: two approaches
26. Jänner, Nils Ternés (Université Paris-Sud, Université Paris-Saclay)
Identification of biomarker-by-treatment interactions in randomized
clinical trials with survival outcomes and high-dimensional spaces
18. Jänner, Ulrike Schneider (TU Wien)
Statistical Inference after Lasso Estimation
13. Jänner, Andreas Futschik (Johannes Kepler Universität Linz)
On the inadmissibility of common population genetic estimates and their improvement by using shrinkage
12. November, Ludwig Hothorn (Leibniz University Hannover, Germany)
Simultaneous inference using multiple marginal models in R (MMM)
17. September, Florian Klinglmüller (University of Padua, Department of Statistics)
Permutation Tests for Adaptive Clinical Trial Designs
9. Juni, Xavier Paoletti (Biostatistics and epidemiology / INSERM U1018)
Dose finding on repeated measurements in oncology phase I clinical trials
4. Mai Arne Bathke (Universität Salzburg)
Trying to Make Sense of Multivariate Data Samples Using Different Inferential Methods
27. April, Søren Möller (University of Southern Denmark, Odense)
Methods for calculating heritability of diseases estimated from large twin studies
17. März, Toshifumi Sugitani (Medical University of Vienna)
Flexible alpha allocation strategies for confirmatory adaptive enrichment clinical trials with a pre-specified subgroup
17. November, 15:30 (s.t.) Ludwig Hothorn
Quality ranking or ... comparisons against the grand mean
29. Oktober, 16:30 (s.t.) Bernhard Klingenberg
A new and improved confidence interval for the Mantel-Haenszel risk differences
6. Oktober, 16:30 (s.t.) Geraldine Rauch
Challenges of Composite Endpoints - New methods to overcome planning, analysis and interpretation problems
18. Juni, 11:00 (s.t.) Alex Dmitrienko
Mixture-based multiple testing procedures: The good, the bad and the ugly
28. April, 10:00 (s.t.) Holger Dette
Optimal design for dose finding studies with an active control
25. März, 16:00 (s.t.) Zoran Antonijevic
Optimizing Clinical Outcomes Using Simulations In Modern Drug Development
12. Februar, 14:00 (s.t.) Tanja Stamm
PatientInnenperspektive und Biomarker - wie hängen diese zusammen?
16. Dezember, 16:30 (s.t.) Karl Schlag
Exact Nonparametric Binary Choice and Ordinal Regression Analysis
5. Dezember, 16:30 (s.t.) Alexandra Posekany
Improving robustness and reliability of bioinformatical inference
3. Dezember, 14:0 (s.t.) Frank Konietschke
Nonparametric multiple comparison procedures under heteroscedasticity
23. Oktober, 15:00 (s.t.) Open Access to Clinical Trial Data -
Opportunities, challenges and risks of sharing clinical trial data on patient level (Panel Discussion, joint event with MUW and Pharmig)
21. Oktober, 16:15 (s.t.) Ludwig Hothorn
User-defined contrasts within multiple contrast tests - case studies
26. September, 16:15 (s.t.) Gregory Nuel
Simulation of phenotypes under H1 in Genome Wide
Association studies and applications
17. Juni, 16:30 (s.t.) Gernot Wassmer
Enrichment Designs: Methoden und Anwendungen
Adaptive Verfahren zur Selektion von Studienpopulationen - DOWNLOAD SLIDES
6. Juni, 16:00 (s.t.) Dominic Magirr
Flexible Sequential Designs for Multi-Arm Clinical Trials - DOWNLOAD SLIDES
13. Mai, 16:30 (s.t.) Gerhard Hommel
Multiple test procedures using ordered p-values - DOWNLOAD - SLIDES
8. Mai, 16:30 (s.t.) Caroline Uhler
Chromosome Packing in Cell Nucleus - DOWNLOAD - SLIDES
30. Jänner, 14:30 (s.t.) Andreas Ziegler
Personalized Medicine using DNA Biomarkers - DOWNLOAD - SLIDES
24. Jänner, 16:30 (s.t.) Frank Miller
Sample size Re-estimation and Bias - DOWNLOAD - SLIDES
21. Jänner, 11:00 (s.t.) Cécile Proust-Lima
Joint modelling of multivariate longitudinal mixed outcomes and a time-to-event: a latent variable approach - DOWNLOAD - SLIDES
17. Jänner, 11:00 (s.t.) David Azriel
Adaptive designs to maximize power in clinical trials with multiple treatments - DOWNLOAD - SLIDES
10. Dezember, 13:00 (s.t.) Ronald Geskus
Inverse probability weighted estimators in a competing risks setting: analyses can be performed with standard software
9. November 2012, 10:30 (s.t.) Milan Stehlík
Cancer risk assessment: Fractals versus Stochastics
12. Juli 2012, 10:00 (s.t.) Malgorzata Bogdan
Logic Regression for Localizing Interacting Quantitative Trait Loci
21. Mai 2012, 14:00 (s.t.) Janez Stare
A Measure of Explained Variation for Event History Data
10. Mai 2012, 13:30 (s.t.) Karen Leffondré
Comparison of the illness-death model and
standard survival models for interval-censored data: a simulation study and an application to dementia
12. April 2012, 16:00 (s.t.) Alan Hubbard
Semiparametric Variable Importance Estimation: machine learning and causal
inference for estimating the relative "importance” of many competing predictors
26. März 2012, 14:00 (s.t.) Manuela Zucknick
Integration of multiple genomic data sources in Bayesian Regression Models for Prediction and Biomarker Selection
22. Februar 2012, 10:00 (s.t.) Jeannette Klimont, Barbara Leitner und Nadine Zielonke
17. Jänner 2012, 11:00 (s.t.) Alain Hauser
Causal inference from interventional data
18. Oktober 2011, 16:00 (s.t.) Dominic Magir
Design and Analysis of Multi‐Arm, Multi‐Stage Clinical Studies
18. Oktober 2011, 11:00 (s.t.) Dimitris Rizopoulos
Joint Models for Longitudinal and Event Time Data, and Dynamic Predictions
7. Oktober 2011, 10:00 (s.t.) Markus Bauer
Computational challenges in next-generation DNA sequencing
23. Mai 2011, 11:30 (s.t.) Willi Sauerbrei
Towards stratified medicine – instead of dichotomization, estimate a treatment effect function for a continuous covariate
5. Mai 2011, 16:00 (s.t.) Martin Wolfsegger
Assessing Systemic Drug Exposure in Repeated Dose Toxicity Studies in the Case of Complete and Incomplete Sampling
19. April 2011, 15:00 (s.t.) Frank Bretz
Graphical approaches to multiple test procedures,
On the efficiency of two-stage adaptive designs
31. März 2011, 15:00 (s.t.) Patrick Royston
A new strategy for meta-analysis of continuous covariates in observational studies
18. Jänner 2011, 10:30 (s.t.) Jenö Reiczigel
Estimation of prevalence and relative risk in case of an imperfect test
2. Dezember
2010, 14:00 (s.t.) Thomas Hielscher
Cox PH penalized regression models in high-dimensional data: model fit, model assessment and sample size considerations
8. September
2010, 14:00 (s.t.) Terry Therneau
Practical Mixed-Effects Survival Models
29. Juni
2010, 10:30 (s.t.) Michal Abrahamowicz
Flexible joint modelling of cumulative and non-linear effects
of time-varying risk factors on the hazard
22. Juni
2010, 10:30 (s.t.) Bernhard Klingenberg
Simultaneous confidence bounds in multiple comparisons to control (Foto)
21. Juni
2010, 13:00 (s.t.) Helmut Finner
On the false discovery rate and control of expected number of false rejections
7. Juni
2010, 14:00 (s.t.) Dr. Linda Beale
The UK Small Area Health Statistics Unit: approaches to spatial epidemiology
28. Mai
2010, 14:00 (s.t.) Prof. Catherine Legrand
conditional linear models with time varying coefficients under right
censoring: practical implementation and extensions (Foto)
11. Mai
2010, 11:00 (s.t.) Prof. Sven Ove Samuelsen
Case-cohort and Nested case-control studies: differences and similarities (Foto)
14. April
2010, 10:45 (s.t.) Dr. Herwig Friedl
Schätzung von Dunkelziffern mit Applikationen im Bereich der
Kriminologie und der Epidemiologie
12. November 2009, 15:00 (s.t.)
Dr. Florian Frommlet
Asymptotic optimality
of multiple testing and model selection procedures under sparsity
8. Oktober 2009, 11:00 (s.t.) Dr.
Amel Mahboubi
Validation of a new
flexible method for modelling of the effects of continuous prognostic factors
in relative survival
31. August 2009, 16:00 (s.t.)
Prof. Chihiro Hirotsu
Row-wise multiple
comparison approach to the analysis of two-way interaction with particular
interest in the ordered rows and/or columns
22. Juni 2009, 11:00 (s.t.) Prof.
Leonhard Held
INLA in action:
Bayesian inference without tears?
25. Mai 2009, 14:00 (s.t.) Dr.
Helga Wagner
Stochastic model
specification search for state space and dynamic survival models
20. Mai
2009, 16:00 (s.t.) Dr. Alex Dmitrienko
gatekeeping procedures with clinical trials applications
18. Mai
2009, 16:00 (s.t.) Prof. William Rosenberger
Inference for
Randomized Clinical Trials
19. März 2009, 15:00 (s.t.) Prof.
Dankmar Böhning
Meta-Analysis of
Diagnostic Studies by Means of (S)ROC-Modelling – a Profile-likelihood
Approach based on the Lehmann-family
20. Oktober
2008, 16:00 (s.t.) Dr. Zachary Skrivanek
A Seamless 2/3 Design
Incorporating a Clinical Utility Index
15. Mai 2008,
15:30 PD Dr. Achim Zeileis
A Lego System for Conditional
14. April 2008, 16:00 Prof. Dr. Andreas Futschik
Statistical Methods
for Quantitative Trait Localization Based on Genome Data
28. Jänner 2008,
15:30 Dr. Frank Bretz
Ordered Multiple
Comparisons with the Best and Their Applications to Dose–Response
17. Jänner 2008, 15:00 Ass.
Prof. Dr. Karl Moder
A new approach to
evaluate interaction in block design
11. Jänner 2008, 15:00
(s.t.) Dr. Lara Lusa
Filtering Enhanced
Feature Selection: A Multiple Testing Strategy for the Identification of
Differentially Expressed Features in High-Dimensional Data Sets
Programm 2007:
6. Dezember
2007, 15:00 Dipl. Ing. Bernhard Spangl
Estimating Spectral
Density Functions Robustly
7. November
2007, 15:30 (s.t.) Dr. Willi Maurer
Sources of Multiplicty
in Adptive Designs
18. Oktober 2007,
15:00 Prof. Dr. Rob Verdooren
Der Wilcoxon-Zweistichproben-Test
für gruppierte Daten und ein Nicht-Standard-SPSS-Programm
Oktober 2007, 16:00 Ass. Prof. Berhard Klingenberg
Testing dose-response
with multivariate ordinal data
Mai 2007, 14:00 Dr. Marc Vandemeulebroecke
A general approach to
two-stage tests
20. März
2007, 16:00 Dr. Gerhard Svolba
Data Preparation for
13. Februar 2007, 16:00 Prof. Dr. Fátima Sánchez-Cabo
Statistical aspects
and medical applications of „-omics“ data integration
Jänner 2007, 15:00 Prof. Nigel Stallard and Dr. Tim Friede
A group-sequential
method for clinical trials with treatment selection (Nigel Stallard)
Blinded sample size
reestimation in non-inferiority trials with binary
endpoints (Tim Friede)
18. Jänner
2007, 16:00 Prof. Dieter Rasch
Wie viele Individuen benötigt
man zur Schätzung populationsgenetischer Parameter?
16. Jänner
2007, 16:00 Prof. Dieter Rasch
Inwieweit sind statistische
Verfahren anwendbar wenn Voraussetzungen zu deren Herleitung verletzt sind?
16. Novermber
2006, 13:30 Mag. Maja Pohar
Regression in Relative
Survival using R
20. Oktober
2006, 14:00 Prof. David Kreil
RNA expression
profiling with microarrays - Interplay of experiments and analysis
13. Juni
2006, 15:30 Mag. Thomas
Arzneimittelzulassung in
der EU - Regulatorische Rahmenbedingungen und Möglichkeiten der Mitwirkung
von nationalen Experten in Beratungs- und Zulassungsverfahren
27. März
2006, 14:00 Prof. Dr. Gernot Wassmer
On Estimation in
Adaptive Survival Trials
13. März 2006, 14:00 Doz. Dr.
Frank Bretz
Combining Multiple Comparisons and Modeling Techniques in Dose
Response Studies
6. März 2006,
17:30 Mag. Siegfried Hörmann
Modellierung und Prognose
der Feinstaubkonzentration in Graz
23. Februar
2006, 14:00 s.t. Dr. Stefan Michiels
Issues in the
prediction of cancer outcome with microarrays
16. Januar 2006, 11:30 s.t. Prof. Dr. Arndt Peter von Haeseler
Models of Sequence Evolution
Programm 2005
10. November 2005, 13:30 s.t. Dr. Daniele De Martini
Estimating Sample Size and Reproducibility for Nonparametric
Statistical Tests
27. Oktober
2005, 15:00 s.t. Mag. Franz König
Flexibilität und Ineffizienz
29. Juli 2005,
11:00 s.t. Dr. Carina Ittrich
Penalized Maximum Likelihood Regression
Juni 2005, 16:15 Dr. Gregor Laaha
von Niederwasserkennwerten für Einzugsgebiete österreichischer Fließgewässer
9. Juni 2005,
14:00 s.t. Dr. Yasemin Genç
Closed Form Methods to Compare Two Proportions for Clustered
3. Mai 2005,
16:00 Mag. Margit Ehrenmüller und Mag. Johannes Dobretsberger
und planen von med. Studien mit SAS Enterprise Guide und SAS/STAT Power and
Sample Size Application. Ein praxisorientierter Überblick mit
April 2005, 16:15 Dipl. Ing. Bernhard Spangl
On Robust Spectral Density Estimation with Applications to the
Analysis of Heart Rate Variability cities
28. Februar
2005, 10:30 s.t Dr. Daniel Rabczenko
Estimation of short-term effect of air pollution on mortality
based on distributed lag models and dose-response analysis - Results from
four Polish cities
Programm 2004
15. Dezember
2004, 16:15 Herr Dipl.Ing Richard Petritsch
Anwendung und Validierung des Klimainterpolationsmodells DAYMET in
November 2004, 15:00 s.t. Frau Prof. Malinee Laopaiboon
involving cluster randomization trials: a review of published literature in health
14. Oktober
2004, 16:00 Herr Dr. Friedrich Leisch
R: Freie Software für Statistische Datenanalyse und Graphik
21. Juni
2004, 16:00 Herr Prof. William F. Rosenberger
Maximizing Power and
Minimizing Treatment Failures in Clinical Trials
26. Mai 2004,
16:30 Frau Dipl.Ing. Barbara Kavsek
PLS (Partial Least Squares) Regression und ihre Anwendungen
29. April 2004, 16:00 Herr Prof. K.-D. Wernecke
A Mixed Model Approach
to Discriminant Analysis with Longitudinal Data
24. Februar
2004, 17:35 Frau Mag. Margit Ehrenmüller
SAS Enterprise Guide : Statistische Auswertungen für Nichtstatistiker
in der Medizin
Programm 2003
6. Oktober 2003, 16:15
Prof. Dr. Tze Leung Lai:
Power, sample size and
adaptation considerations in the design of group sequential trials.
April 2003, 10:30 Prof. Dr. John Nelder:
Extended likelihood
inference applied to a new class of models.
1. April
2003, 16:30 Prof. Dr. Kurt Hornik:
Neurale Netze und Biostatistik (Folien zum Vortrag)
23. Jänner
2003, 16:15 Prof. Dr. Albrecht Neiß:
Biometrisches Zentrum für Multiple Sklerose-Forschung.
20. Jänner
2003, Dr. Anette Kopp-Schneider (Heidelberg):
Stochastische Modelle für die Hepatokarzinogenese.
Programm 2002
11. Dezember
2002, 16:15 Prof. Dr. Marcus Hudec (Wien):
27. November 2002, 16:00 Ph.Lic. Sharon Kühlmann
A matched case-control
study in the forest: influence of trees on undestory vegetation.
27. September
2002, 10:30 Prof. Dr. Albrecht Neiß (München):
Biometrisches Zentrum für Multiple Sklerose-Forschung
12. Juni
2002, 16:00 Dr. Alexander Ploner:
Modellieren von
Besucherzahlen mit Regressionsbäumen
22. Mai 2002,
16:00 Prof. Dr. Werner G. Müller:
Residualdiagnostik für
24. Jänner
2002, 16:00 Prof. Patrick Royston:
parametric models for censored survival data, with application to prognostic
modelling and estimation of treatment effects
16. Jänner
2002, 16:00 Prof. Dr. Christine Mannhalter:
Durchführung und
Einsatzgebiete von Gen-Chip Analysen (Microarrays)
Jänner 2002, 15:00 Prof. David Firth:
Maximum likelihood
estimates: bias, finiteness, shrinkage
Programm 2001
13.Juni 2001, 16:15 Prof. Dr.
Thomas Waldhör:
Aus der räumlichen Epidemiologie
31. Jänner 2001,
16:15: Prof.Dr. Christine Mannhalter:
Molekularbiologische Untersuchungen in der Medizin - Grundlagen für
08. November
2000, 16:15: Alessandra Nardi University of Teramo and University of Vienna:
On residuals analysis
for survival data
11.Oktober 2000, 16:30: Prof. Dr.
Christine Mannhalter:
Molekularbiologische Untersuchungen in der Medizin - Grundlagen für
2000, 16:st.: Werner Brannath:
Monotone Confidence
Bounds in Adaptive Two Stage Combination Tests
25. Jänner 2000, 16:00 s.t. :
Hubert Hasenauer:
Die simultanen Eigenschaften von Waldwachstumsmodellen
Programm 1999
13. Dezember
1999, 16:00: Erika Graf:
Schätzung des Vorhersagefehlers in der Überlebenszeitanalyse
23. Nov.1999, 16:00: Helmut
Stichprobenumfangsbestimmungen für Mehrentscheidungsverfahren:
Probleme, Methoden und ein Softwarepaket
4. Mai 1999, 16:00: John Whitehead:
1. Sequential designs
for comparative clinical trials
2. Sequential trials with more than
two treatments or more than one endpoint
15. April 1999, 16:00: Fulvio De Santis:
Recent Issues in
Bayesian Model Selection